Saturday, July 27, 2013

Coming home, part 2

So, as I was saying just a few years ago...

My wife and I found out that, miracle of miracles, we were going to have a child. It truly was a miracle; we'd been trying for years and had had no luck. I had basically given up hope. And then, Memorial Day weekend, my wife gave me the good news. 

When I say I'd given up hope, I do mean that. I had come to the conclusion that the only way we were going to have a child was by adoption. I was ok with that, but realized that there would be home visits and such before we'd get a kid. So I has started making a mental checklist of all the things around the house that needed to be addressed. This came in handy. 

But as things began to sink in, I realized that I unquestionably wanted my child to be baptized as a Catholic. And that meant that I really shouldn't continue to be lapsed. I told my wife, who was not Catholic, that this was important to me. Her response was to decide to attend RCIA, so as to learn more about the Church. 

To be continued again, maybe in less than five years.